I'm Unemployed, Now What?
Navigating unemployment can be challenging, but the VEC is here to guide you every step of the way. Our Benefits Roadmap provides a clear path for applying for benefits, maintaining eligibility, and moving confidently towards reemployment.
Prepare to Apply
The fastest and easiest way to apply for unemployment insurance benefits is online using ID.me. It only takes about three minutes to create an account (if you don’t already have one). Then you’ll be reconnected with VEC’s Customer Self Service where you can begin your application. To ensure a smooth process, please have following information handy:
Quick Tip
When logging into Customer Self Service, if you enter incorrect information multiple times, you may experience a security lockout. Wait 30 minutes before attempting to log in again.
Apply for Benefits
The best time to apply is during the first week of your unemployment. If you believe you’re eligible and have gathered all the necessary information, you’re ready to apply. A few important reminders:
- You can file a claim if you did any work in Virginia during the last 18 months
- If you obtain work through a local union hall you will need the name and union number
- If you are NOT a US citizen, you will need your Alien Registration number
Quick Tip
You can get claim status updates by logging into your Customer Self Service account or calling (800) 897-5630 and following the prompts for claim information.
Register and Search for Work
You must register for work with Virginia Workforce Connection within 10 days of filing your initial claim. If you don’t register, your benefits may be delayed or denied. To stay eligible for benefits, you must:
- Actively seek work, contacting a minimum of two different employers each week
- Submit job contacts to the VEC through Customer Self Service or by phone
- Accept all offers of suitable work
- Accept any referrals to suitable work from your local Workforce Center
- Report your income from any source
Quick Tip
Keep a written record of all your job contacts, including company names, interview dates and times, and the names and phone numbers of the people you spoke with. You’ll need this information for your weekly claim and to follow up on your job applications.
File Your Weekly Claim
After applying for benefits, you’ll need to file your first weekly claim (also known as your weekly certification). You should file your weekly claim within 21 days of applying.
Each week, you must certify for weekly benefits in a timely manner, and answer questions about:
- Employment
- Ability to work
- Work search
- Job offers/refusals
You can file your weekly claim online or by calling our Voice Response System (VRS) at (800) 897-5630.