Required Posters for Virginia Employers

Virginia Unemployment Compensation Act (UC)
The “Notice to Workers” (VEC-B-29) must be posted by every employer subject to Virginia unemployment compensation laws. It advises an employee when they are eligible for unemployment insurance benefits and how to apply for those benefits. Employers are also required to provide a copy of the notice to the employee at the time of separation from employment. 

English | Spanish | Amharic | Korean | Vietnamese | Arabic | Chinese (simplified)

This poster may also be obtained from:
Virginia Employment Commission
Employer Accounts - Room 100
P.O. Box 26441
Richmond, Virginia 23261-6441
(804) 786-7159

Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Act (VOSH)
The “Job Safety and Health Protection”poster advises an employee of their rights and responsibilities under the OSHA law. All private and public employers must post this notice, and are subject to a citation and possible fine if this poster is not displayed. This poster is required in 11” x 17” format and can be found here:

Virginia Department of Labor and Industry
Occupational Safety and Health Program
13 South Thirteenth Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219-4101
(804) 371-2327

Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS)
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) IRS publication 4194 advises low-to-middle income working individuals and families about the federal earned income tax credit and state low income credit. Links to the required State and Federal posters, and other information, are available at:

Virginia Workers’ Compensation (VWC)
The “Workers' Compensation Notice”(VWC 1) advises employees and employers of their rights and responsibilities under the Workers' Compensation Law in case of injury or occupational disease. The notice must be posted by every employer subject to the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act. The poster is available at:

This poster may also be obtained from:
Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission
1000 DMV Drive
Richmond, Virginia 23220
(804) 367-8699

The following six Federal posters may be downloaded or ordered online. Most are available in English and Spanish at:

or you may order directly from:
U.S. Department of Labor
400 North Eighth Street
Richmond, VA 23240
(804) 771-2995

  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
    “Minimum Wage Notice” (WH-1088). Every employer with employees subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act's minimum wage provisions must post this notice explaining the Act. It must be available in a conspicuous place in all of their establishments so that employees may readily read it.
  • Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA)
    The “Polygraph Poster” (WH-1462) is required by Federal law. The law requires all employers to display this poster where employees and job applicant’s can readily read it.
  • Service Contract Act and Public Contractors Act
    The poster “Notice to Workers Working on Government Contracts”(WH-1313) is required by Federal law. This law affects all employers whose workers are engaged in the production of materials, supplies, articles, or equipment amounting to more than $10,000 under a government contract. Contracts for services in excess of $2,500 also apply.
  • Davis-Bacon Construction Contracts Act
    The Davis-Bacon poster (WH-1321) is required by federal law. All construction contractors and subcontractors working on federally-financed construction must post at the job site a copy of the specifications section of their contract that set forth applicable prevailing wage rates, as determined by the Secretary of Labor.
  • Family Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)
    The required FMLA poster (WH-1420) outlines the act and its enforcement provisions. Employers with 50 or more employees are subject to the provisions of this law.
  • Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA)
    MSPA poster (WH-1376). Each farm labor contractor, agricultural employer and agricultural association that is subject to the MSPA, and who employs any migrant or seasonal agricultural worker(s), must keep this poster in a conspicuous location at the place of employment.

The following required Federal posters are available online, by mail, or phone as noted below.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
All employers with 15 or more employees, all government contractors and subcontractors, regardless of the number of employees, are required to display this poster “Equal Opportunity is the Law” (OFCCP-1420). This provides general employment information, including provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. English and Spanish versions are available at:

This poster may also be obtained from:
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
8280 Greensboro Drive, Suite 300
McLean, VA 22102

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
Employers may provide the notice "Your Rights Under USERRA” by posting it where employee notices are customarily placed. However, employers are free to provide this notice to employees in ways that will minimize costs while ensuring that the full text of the notice is provided (e.g., by handing or mailing out the notice, or distributing the notice via electronic mail). This law protects the job rights of individuals who voluntarily leave employment to undertake military service, and prohibits employer discrimination against past and present members of the uniformed services. This required poster and information about the Final Rule are available at:

This poster may also be obtained directly from:
U.S. Department of Labor
Veterans Services