Join us and learn the correct way to apply for federal jobs at our USA Jobs Overview – Information Session! We will have a representative from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on-site providing step-by-step guidance and tips and answering your inquiries. The IRS is HIRING for PERMANENT full-time positions. So, come out and learn about the website, application process, positions, and benefits of a career with the IRS!
This Info Session will promptly begin at 2pm. Please be on time and prepared to stay for the entirety of this event. A lot of information will be disseminated during this session and space is limited.
This event will be held at Virginia Career Works – Henrico Center, located at 121 Cedar Fork Road, Henrico, Virginia 23223, on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, from 2 pm until 3:30 pm. The entrance and plenty of parking are located at the rear of the building.
Virginia Career Works - Henrico Center
121 Cedar Fork Road
Henrico, Virginia 23223