757 Military Career Summit FORT EUSTIS (HIRING EVENT)

THE 757 CAREER SUMMITS ARE MORE THAN A JOB FAIR!You will have the opportunity to have interviews with companies and be able to schedule follow up conversations with selected teams. There will be personnel there who have the authority to make employment decisions. There will be an updated list of employers at the event based on your background and preferences, allowing you to research the companies and industries beforehand.This is a collaborative effort between the region’s military installations, the Hampton Roads Workforce Council and a multitude of companies looking to fill positions in the airlines, cyber/IT, intel, field service, project management, electronics, maintenance, manufacturing, healthcare, bio-medical, semiconductor, power and energy and leadership. HIRING EVENT AGENDA

  • CAREER FAIR (2:30 PM-6:00 PM)-Interview with companies for positions that are a match with your background, skills and preferences (Dress will be business professional or uniform of the day).


Thursday, August 24, 2023 -
2:30pm to 6:00pm

Anderson Field House 643 Dickman Street Newport News, VA 23604

Type of Event: 
Veterans Job Fair
Target Area: 
Hampton Roads