TCC Career Services, Network with the Employer - High Sierra Pools, Inc.

TCC Career Services is sponsoring "Network with the Employer Event" with High Sierra Pools, Inc. Meet with Cynthia Nuvill, Staffing Coordinator, to discuss their Summer 2023 job opportunities for: Lifeguards, Pool Managers, and Area Supervisors. Web Site:

Bring your resume to the event. High Sierra Pools, Inc., offers: Great pay, half-priced Lifeguard Certifications for HSP Employees, get paid for referrals, and work with your friends.

This event is open to the public!  Job seekers, check in at the Southside entrance of the Student Center, next to the Photo ID Office. At the Welcome Desk, you must sign-in and mention that you are attending the employer recruitment event in order to gain access to the 2nd floor! VB Student Center: 

For questions, call (757) 822-7228 or email . Web Site: TCC College Central Network: TCC Events:

Tuesday, November 22, 2022 -
11:00am to 2:00pm

Tidewater Community College, Virginia Beach Student Center, 2nd Floor, 1700 College Crescent, Virginia Beach, VA 23453

Type of Event: 
Public Employer Job Fair
Target Area: 
Hampton Roads